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how to start an e-commerce business in Pakistan in 2024


Did you know that even in the digital age, online business is booming in Pakistan? With a population of over 231 million people and a growing middle class, it’s the perfect place to start your e-commerce journey in 2024.

Plus, with a high percentage of people using the Internet and mobile phones, you’ll have a large potential customer base. But some people find it hard to deal with the unique problems of the Pakistani market, so it’s important to plan and do your study.

Get ready to learn how to start an online Business in Pakistan. To do this, you need to look into the market, get legal help, build a website, and handle payments. There is a growing e-commerce market in Pakistan. This guide can help you do well in it, even if this is your first time running a business.

6 EASY STEPS TO Start a Successful E-commerce Business in Pakistan

A lot of new and would-be business owners are looking for new eCommerce possibilities. We talk about every step that you need to take to start an online Business in Pakistan.

  • Step 1: Conduct the Right Niche Selection
  • Step 2: Check the competition in the niche
  • Step 3: Product Sourcing to Sell Online
  • Step 4: Choose E-commerce Platforms in Pakistan
  • Step 5: Launch the Product and Create Product Listings
  • Step 6: Marketing & Advertising

Step 1: Conduct the Right Product Selection

online business in pakistan

First of all, you need to choose the right things to sell on your e-commerce site. Keep in mind this question before the start, why should people buy from me? The product you choose should give you an edge over competitors and meet their needs and wants. We’ll talk about how to find the best items for your Pakistani e-commerce business in this part.

To always know what’s going on in the Pakistani market, read business news, and see which business niche is trending on social media. Find out what your people like, such as what kinds of things they want, how much they are happy to spend, and how they’d like things to look. After reading this complete blog, you can be able to decide what are you going to do.

Competitive Analysis

After selecting the particular niche for your business, the second step is to Find out your competitors in the Pakistan market. In this competitor research, you should find the pain points or USPs that will put you ahead of the competition. This will help you figure out which products to focus on and give you ideas on how to make your business stand out.

Product weight & size

The size and weight of your product will have an impact on shipping costs. Shipping costs can have a big effect on your profits, especially in Pakistan for an e-commerce Business. Choose goods that are small and light because they are usually lower for shipping and more simple to store and handle.

Product Availability

A good e-commerce business needs to be able to depend on its suppliers. Make sure you can always get the goods you want, whether they come from local makers or abroad. Build solid relationships with your suppliers to make sure you get good products on time.

If you want to run a successful online Business in Pakistan, these tips will help you pick the right things to sell.

Step 2: Check the competition in the niche

online business in pakistan

How is the Pakistani e-commerce market doing right now? If you want to start and run an online business that does well, you need to know about the competition and market research on your particular niche. You need to make a plan of action by checking out what your rivals are doing, stay ahead of the competition, and catch new chances when you know what’s going on in the world.

Step 3: Product Sourcing to Sell Online

online business in pakistan

Finding perfect Products for your niche that will sell, is very important for the success of your online Business. Which products you sell will impact how happy your customers are, how well-known your business is, and how much money you make. This section will help you make smart decisions for your online business.

Wholesalers & Local Manufacturers

One way to get things is to work with Pakistani manufacturers and wholesalers. It will limit your waiting times, save you money on shipping, and give you a chance to get to know your providers easier.

  • Check out the goods, costs, and quality of possible local sellers and make a list of them.
  • Going to trade shows, fairs, and networking events is a great way to meet new suppliers and make links.
  • Talk about good terms and conditions, like how to pay, how much you have to order, and how to return items.

Unique Products & Handmade

Small markets may be interested in your online business if you sell handmade or unique items. These things can be made yourself or bought from area artists and crafters.

  • Discover your unique selling point and focus on items that suit your business and the people you want to buy from you.
  • To make unique goods, work with local artists or put money into your production centers.
  • Put in strict quality control methods to keep products the same and protect the image of your brand.

Finally, finding products for your online store needs a lot of thought and attention to detail. Think about product quality, prices, lead times, and flexibility as you consider the pros and cons of each buying approach. If you want your online store in Pakistan to be great and last, you need to pick the right goods and sellers.

Step 4: Best platforms to make your E-commerce store in Pakistan

online business in pakistan

You must pick the right e-commerce platform to make your store and sell your things. We’ll talk about platforms like Magento, Shopify, and WooCommerce. You can grow your business and get into Pakistan’s rising e-commerce market if you choose the right platform to build your store on.


One of the most popular e-commerce platforms around the world, Shopify has a Friendly layout, many styles, and powerful features. You can manage your full store or your product through Shopify. Shopify store requires knowledge of development to build a fully functional website.

But you can also install Shopify apps that will help you build and design your store and much more. EasyPaisa, JazzCash, and HBL are some of the most famous payment methods to add to Shopify. These features make it a great choice for the person who wants to build his store in Pakistan.

Want to create a Shopify store but do not know development, don’t worry our experienced team will develop a Shopify store for you that will include everything in it


The e-commerce app WooCommerce is free and open source for WordPress sites. It can be quickly changed to fit the needs of Pakistani Businesses because it is very flexible. With the right plugins, you can add local shipping and payment platforms.


Magento is an e-commerce platform that is strong, flexible, and has a lot of features and ways to make it your own. It’s best for bigger businesses that need more advanced features, but it takes some technical know-how to set up and run.

Step 5: Launch the Product & Create a Product Listing

online business in pakistan

After setting up the website, the next step is to add products to the store. When you post your products, you’ll need to include the name, description, price, pictures, and the number of the product (quantity). After that, you’ll need to set up operations like shipping, storing, labeling packing, and managing your products.

Make a Strong Product Listing

Make sure that the product listings are interesting if you want to sell more and keep people interested. People will be more likely to buy what you’re selling if you include clear pictures, detailed descriptions, and reviews from other customers.

  • Hire a professional photographer to take shots of your things from different angles.
  • When you write about a product, you should focus on its most important benefits, features, and details.
  • Offer discounts or free stuff as a reward for honest reviews to get more of them.

Offer & Promotions

Use special deals, discounts, or limited-time offers to get people to buy your product right away and get people talking about it.

  • Provide first-time savings or package deals to get people to try your goods.
  • Work with influential people or writers in your field to get the word out about your products and make an impact.
  • Use email marketing and social media to let people know about your start and give them special deals.

You can make buying exciting for your customers by picking the right products to sell, writing descriptions that make people want to buy them, and making sure that orders are filled quickly and correctly. Launch deals and working with stars can help your products get even more attention online. This can help you make your first sales and build a strong base for your online business.

Quick Order Fulfilment & Shipping

You need a fast order processing process to keep your customers happy and your business successful in the long run. Make a reliable way to handle sales, products, and shipping to make sure supplies arrive on time and mistakes are kept to a least.

  • Pick the right inventory control method to keep an eye on your stock and avoid selling too much.
  • Choose a courier service that you can trust, one that has low prices and quick shipping times.
  • Offer various shipping choices, such as standard and fast service, so you can meet the needs of all your customers.

Step 6: Marketing & Advertising

online business in pakistan

If you want people to visit your e-commerce site, learn more about your brand, and finally buy from you, you need a good marketing plan. A lot of different digital marketing tools and techniques are needed to make a good marketing plan that will work with the people you want to reach.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Making your website rise better on search engine results pages (SERPs) is what SEO is all about. This makes it easier for people who are looking for something to find it. A well-optimized website can get a lot of free traffic, which can lead to more sales and money. To identify your e-commerce SEO, here are some important things to keep in mind:

  • Do a lot of study on keywords to find search terms that are important to your area and get a lot of traffic.
  • Use focused context in the meta titles, descriptions, and heads of your website to make them better.
  • Make material that is of high quality, interesting, and useful that meets the wants and needs of the people you want to reach.
  • To improve the user experience, Your website should load quickly and work well on mobile phones.
  • Find a lot of different high-quality backlinks by doing things like guest writing, reaching out to influencers, and promoting your content.

Get our SEO services to boost your ranking and increase your traffic

SMM (Social Media Marketing)

Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are excellent methods to connect with your audience, show off your products, and get people to love your brand. To get people to your website, you need to make a complete social media plan that’s relevant to those who visit.

  • Find the best social media sites for your business based on the people you want to reach and the goods you sell.
  • Create material like pictures, movies, and slideshows that are shared and look good on each site.
  • Target your ads to reach people who might buy something and increase sales.
  • Respond to comments, questions, and requests for user-generated content to get to know your community.
  • Work with content makers and people who have a lot of followers to get more people to know about your brand.

Check out our Facebook services to maximize your sales and revenue.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is still one of the best ways to keep leads interested and get them to buy from you again. You can stay in touch with your customers and get them to come back to your store by building a strong email list and sending targeted ads.

  • If you want people to join your email list, give them something of value, like a deal or free shipping.
  • Give each user customized material by dividing them into groups based on their likes, purchases, and level of interest.
  • Send emails that are interesting and useful with deals, product ideas, and helpful details.
  • For better results, keep an eye on email success measures like read rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates.

These marketing ideas will help you get more people to buy your online goods, attract new customers, and increase your online sales. Make sure you check and keep an eye on your marketing every day to keep your Pakistani e-commerce business growing and your plan smart. 


There are many things you need to do in Pakistan to make an e-commerce business work. Before starting your business, you need to study the market, choose a niche, write a business plan, register it, make a website, find goods, learn how to take payments, market it, help customers, and plan for its growth. Don’t make the same mistakes that AI-generated content does, like using the exact words over and over or not being creative. Always keep these things in mind. This will make shopping online fun and useful for your customers.

In Pakistan’s e-commerce market, there are many ways to make money. Don’t forget to be open and quick to act when customer tastes and market trends change while you’re away. Watch what your competitors do and always make your plans better. Most importantly, pay attention to what your clients say. What they say will help you make a business that cares about its people and does well in the tough online market.

Get in touch with us right away if you want to start a successful E-commerce business in Pakistan. Our digital firm’s team of experts is ready to help you start your own online business and show you the way.


Is it Easy to start E-Commerce?

Starting an e-commerce business is a lot like starting any other business. You’ll need to make a business plan, get the necessary licenses and permits, and set up a bank account just for your business. You’ll also need to choose an e-commerce website builder, find products to sell, and set up advertisements online for your business.

Is E-Commerce Profitable in Pakistan?

E-commerce in Pakistan has a huge chance of making a lot of money. The market is ready for companies and businesses to take advantage of as more people learn how to use the internet and as technology improves.

Why should I start eCommerce?

You don’t have to build different shops for different places, not like regular stores with walls and floors. This is because online stores are open every day of the year, at all times of the day. This gives buyers more time to look and shop when it suits them best.


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Picture of Muhammad Saad

Muhammad Saad

Muhammad Saad, an Experienced marketing professional, collaborates with 50+ companies, empowering businesses with impactful marketing strategies.

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