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Skyrocketing Sales for a Skincare Brand through Strategic Facebook Advertising


Objective: To significantly increase sales through targeted Facebook advertising

Challenge: The skincare brand’s sales were not growing, so they needed a new way to find more customers and make more money.

Strategies what Fulfillit Done:

Retargeting Website Visitors: We recaptured the attention of website visitors who had shown interest in the brand by displaying targeted ads.

Video Ad Retargeting:

We engaged viewers who had watched at least 50% or 75% of our video ads, indicating a higher level of engagement.

Lookalike Audience Creation:

We expanded our reach by creating a lookalike audience based on our existing customer data, targeting individuals with similar characteristics.

Buyer Retargeting:

We reconnected with past customers to encourage repeat purchases and boost customer loyalty.

Compelling UGC Content:

We leveraged user-generated content (UGC) to showcase real-world experiences and build trust with potential customers.

Influencer Marketing:

We collaborated with influential individuals within the skincare niche to reach a wider audience and enhance brand credibility.

Video-Only Ad Approach:

We focused solely on video ads, as they have proven to be highly effective in engaging viewers and driving conversions.
Pain Point-Triggered Ad Copies:

We crafted ad copies that resonated with the client’s target audience, addressing their pain points and highlighting the benefits of the skincare products.

Interests and Behaviors Targeting:

We refined our targeting based on interests and behaviors relevant to the skincare industry, ensuring we reached the right audience.

Age-Based Audience Grouping:

We segmented our audience by age, based on previous data insights.

Results what our client got in OCT:

October Sales: 1,595,701 rupees
October ad spent: 400,379 rupees
Store conversion rate: 6.33%
Total orders: 946
Return on ad spend (ROAS): 3.9

Results what our client got in NOV:

November Sales: 2,548,963 rupees (66% increase)
November ad spent: 438 387
Store conversion rate: 6.77%
Total orders: 1370
Return on Ad Spend (ROAS): 5.7

Through implementing our comprehensive Facebook ads services and strategy that incorporated retargeting, lookalike audiences, compelling UGC, influencer marketing, video-only ads, pain point-triggered ad copies, interests and behaviors targeting, and age-based audience grouping, we achieved a remarkable 66% increase in sales for our client’s skincare brand. This Facebook ads case study highlights the effectiveness of data-driven, targeted advertising in driving significant business growth.


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Picture of Muhammad Saad

Muhammad Saad

Muhammad Saad, an Experienced marketing professional, collaborates with 50+ companies, empowering businesses with impactful marketing strategies.

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